Saturday, February 25, 2012

Day 56 - Saturday

Daily Tasks
photo: toy - So after about 6 months of our TV slowly going out (for the last 2 weeks the top 1/4 was totally black - you couldn't see anyone's faces) we saved enough to buy a new set.  Sam's Club had this great deal on a 3D bundle which included a wi-fi enabled 42" set, a 3D blu-ray player, 4 non-battery-operated 3D glasses and $20 credit for 3D movies.  Here it is in the back of the car - it's hooked up now and works great!  Since I'm an Amazon Prime member, we can also get free video streaming.

stitching:  28 minutes on Fire and Ice

Yearly Tasks
knitting:  more rows on both the scarf and the sweater.

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